The Season for the Reason - meditation, affirmation & sermon
Excerpts from the Coming of the Light service First Parish Church, Fitchburg, MA December 28, 2014 I. Meditation - Fanning the Light Within II. End of Meditation Prayer III. Affirmation IV. Sermon - The Season for the Reason V. Prayer I. Meditation - Fanning the Light Within Focus, if you will, on a lit candle before you. See the flame, flickering and flowing upward from the wick. Keep your eyes there and watch it closely for a moment as it glows... Sometimes we feel lost at sea. Sometimes we feel adrift and unknowing, alone and seemingly unloved. We are like darkened lighthouses, unlit and untended, a steeple with no light, saving no one and nothing. Guiding no one from the danger of the rocks, shepherding nothing into the harboring safety of community. But in this next moment, close your eyes and see behind your closed lids the small flame still floating before you. This is your ...