Be the Surfboard
I always tell my Tribe kids, “Life comes at us in waves. You can be either driftwood, or you can be surfboard. Be the surfboard.” Since there’s always a steady stream of new kids and adults participating in Tribe, this gets quoted fairly frequently to the newcomers. But even the veterans need reminding. Being the surfboard is a lifestyle choice. It’s not a concept that is readily digestible in its full form. Superficially, it’s fairly self-explanatory. Don’t be driftwood. Be something better. It’s inspiring in a pithy way. But there’s something much more profound upon which to deeply meditate here for there are many layers of nuance in the choice to BE the surfboard. It’s an intention. And not just any intention. It’s a covenant with yourself and the Universe to take the situations of your life—good, bad and ugly—and find a way to not only survive them, but thrive because of them. Being...