
Showing posts from 2015

Sermon: “Giving Cosmic Intent: Unpacking the Lord’s Prayer and Other Rituals”

Language. It's all about the word. And yet words are there only to describe the emotional state resulting from a thought package.  An idea.  A concept.  In our minds there are no words really.  Our thoughts come and go much too fast to be worded.  In our minds there are only experiences and concepts.  But how often do words fall short of describing the totality of our experience? What you think of when we think of the word ineffable ?  Ineffable is a word we use to describe a concept that is indescribable.  It’s a very forgiving word.  It is a word we use to be accepting of our ignorance.  It’s a word of self-forgiveness in a world where we crave control and comprehension.  And categorization. I propose that we consider something a bit forward-thinking today regarding the ineffable.  But I'd like to ask you a few questions first.  Do you believe in love?  Do you believe that IT exists?  Do you believe it is ...

Chaos as the Meta-Love of God

The Breath of Life blew Itself across the vast expanse of the Great Potential . And the first solar fractals to respond to the Breath were water.  And behold the waters calmed and knew their roles. They, in an instant knew exactly where they belonged and to Whom.  The birth of Self-awareness.  At the beginning of Light they first recognized themselves and in its glow they acted, in concert, without conflict or error, with perfect understanding and seamless collaboration.  Aligning themselves with the Intent of the One Who Breathes.  The Breath too, knew Its role.  And with joyful abandon portrayed it.  This windy Breath, enriched with life-giving attributes, of which the LIFE to whom it so lovingly and completely gave Itself knew nothing—at least consciously —swirled and buoyed the now coalescing waters into their proper places; their proper satisfactions.  The waters, now embedded with this new self-awareness, sparkled also with the sudden ...