
Showing posts from February, 2015

Metaphoraging: the Language of God

Take a deep breath with me...  We have heard the notion that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.  But what might be the implications of that thought?  Are we eternal?  Are we divine in nature?  If this humanity is not our regular experience, what is?   I forward the premise, for the purpose of this thought, that there is no line of demarcation where God ends and We begin.  If everything in the universe is One, and even mathematically this is provably so, how can one extract the ingredients of a soup?   Pick an Object.  Any object.  A napkin, a wine glass, a ring on your finger, a flower or an icicle.  Just look at it for a moment and take a deep breath…   Human culture has used everyday objects as symbols for greater ideas throughout history.  Crosses, rocks, fabric, metals, the elements.  They all represent not only themselves and their functions, but added l...