My Life as an Environmental Hypocrite
Where do I even begin?! They say that confession is good for the soul. Well, I am a terrible person. I do things that I actively criticize others for doing. I can be arrogant―sometimes quite high-horsed―and justify my own bad choices with weak excuses I would see right through―if only they weren’t coming from my own mouth. I use plastic water bottles constantly―I buy them by the caseload. I don’t always recycle unless it’s convenient. Not all of my eco-crimes are due to laziness, however. Some are just plain economics. For instance, I drive a minivan because of the Tribe, but can’t afford a second car for when I’m not driving them. Not many of us can afford to drive the most efficient vehicle at all times. I drink a lot of water, and I’m forgetful. I forget my stainless steel water bottle almost every day, but I still need water where and when and how I want/need it. I always forget to put the reusable grocery bags ...