Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, May 27, 2017 - The Beta-Test of Our Democracy

Who are we to become from this moment? I have a tendency to look at things cosmically. When trying to decide whether we are in good times or bad I find it much easier to take a step back. Look at the longer timeline of human history. It changes the view dramatically. We have done a remarkable thing, we humans. We have successfully created functioning early-stage models of Government by the People. One could argue that citizens of ancient Rome had the right to vote, but not all people could be Citizens. Women were equal to slaves, children were no higher. We have made significant improvements on the earlier versions of democracy. I am no expert historian, but the way I see it: We are preparing to launch Democracy 2.0. This is an enlightened age we are living in. We have come so far to have this opportunity. This is our first big test as a true democracy. Have we finally designed a system well enough to withstand tyranny? Of course there are still many flaws in the mechanism to ...