Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, March 30, 2019 - The Search for Truth

Face it. Deep down we are all voyeurs. We love to know what’s going on in people's bedrooms, their bank accounts, their relationships, and within the intimate details of their private lives. The advent of social media and reality television are great indicators of our desire to be supremely nosy. Early progenitors of today’s reality television began as far back as the 1940s with programs like Queen for a Day and Candid Camera. These shows offered glimpses into the private lives of regular, everyday Americans which viewers absolutely devoured. In the early 1970’s, the newly formed Public Broadcasting Service aired a series named An American Family documenting a real family going through a real and painful divorce, thus launching the first example of modern reality television programming. Critics of the series were careful to note that the presence of cameras intruding into the lives of these seven people automatically fostered a contrived reality at best. Pointing to a phen...