Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, June 19, 2021 - Punching Holes in the Ocean

Why do bad things happen? Do bad things happen for good reasons? Meaning, is there a hidden benevolence in all things? For spiritual teachings to have any value, they must have a practical, human relevance. They must look like us and empathize with our feelings. It can’t be all about the heavens. All worthwhile religious traditions must be about our experience here on earth. Religion gives vague answers about the reasons for why bad things happen. I think that’s fair and understandable. There is no one answer we all equally perceive. Every tradition has its own facet of the diamond. The light reflects differently from there. And since there is no rational, human answer to some of the tragedies which befall us, traditionally, we conclude them to be celestial in origin. A.k.a. punishment from God. Punishment implies we have done something wrong. Since religion is rarely about definitive answers regarding the mind of God, it can’t give a clear answer. But I think they can’t giv...