And Thus it begins.

Ever since I decided to finally "answer the call" and begin the process to become an ordained minister, I have struggled with the idea of what type of minister I will be.  I know who I am and what I believe, but I am not yet confident of how those beliefs and ideas will be perceived.  If you know me then you already know that I won't be your run-of-the-mill man of the cloth.  I have very different ideas and my effectiveness in sharing those ideas remains to be seen.  So, here I will share my process and my trials at communicating what I hope will be an overall message of encouragement and empowerment for people who are struggling with our new age and the changes in our global culture that have recently occurred.

I have applied at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton Center, Massachusetts.  It is the only school to which I have applied and the only one I am interested in attending.  The previous post (Analysis of CS Lewis' "Essay on Forgiveness") is an additional application requirement I needed to write since I do not currently have a bachelor degree.  If accepted, I will be a provisional student until I have successfully completed at least three graded courses, probably by the end of my first semester.  I will then be a "real" student.

I am not typically a well-disciplined person.  I procrastinate and divert and foot-drag.  I have decided the best way to circumnavigate that character trait as well as potentially solve the concerns mentioned above, is to post all of my assignments and writings and will even occasionally journal about my experience of becoming Reverend Wil Darcangelo.  I will greatly appreciate any and all feedback. and thank you for sharing this experience with me.  I really didn't want to be alone.


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