Raise a Glass to Disappointment!
Celebrate when you are disappointed. I always get champagne when I’m really, really disappointed by something that hasn’t gone like I wanted to or when a sudden change comes along I wasn’t expecting. I think I started doing it because I prefer to defy my anxiety and depressive tendencies by my actions rather than medicate them. That could very well be a fool’s errand, but it’s what I’m going with for now. I’d rather attempt to view the gaping hole caused by the absence of whatever I was expecting to come as an invitation for the thing that is supposed to come. Not a gaping hole of disappointment but a portal for what’s truly best for me to come. How many of us have lost out on a job only to get an offer from an even better one? Would it have hurt to raise a glass to losing that first job? It might have made it suck a little less. Would it be so bad to transform some disappointments into hopefulness? Sure, take your ...