Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, July 14, 2018 - Think Well of Abundance

They say don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. It’s an interesting little maxim. Mostly about the inspection of teeth. Horses’ teeth give away their age. They become longer and more numerous the older they get. If someone gives you a horse, don’t look at their teeth right in front of the giver as if to question the value of their gift. The direct advice being given here is about offering courtesy, gratitude and respect toward the giver and not to question the value of their generosity. But the implication is deeper than just not being rude.
I always pick up pennies on the sidewalk whether they are face up or face down. I believe in luck, sure, but a face down penny still pays the bills. Sort of. And if the universe is literally handing you money, don’t disrespect abundance by leaving it there. It sends a signal to your brain that abundance is for other people, not you. Ask and ye shall receive. Are you asking for abundance with your words as well as your actions? How about your thoughts?
What are you asking for when you walk by a penny and say to yourself, “That won’t buy anything, why pick it up?” Because on one hand, you’re right. It won’t buy much. But that’s not the point. Some would argue that the pennies all add up. And they’re right also. But still, it’s not the point.
What matters is your relationship with the concept of abundance. Are you on speaking terms? Are you adversaries? Or is it like a friend of your neighbor’s you can see through the window at their dinner parties?  Abundance has a great time with them, but not you. Were you invited? Doesn’t matter. Plan your own party. Abundance goes wherever it’s being truly welcomed.
Underneath the surface is where we find the source of our money problems. Our relationship with money is complicated, emotional and more superstitious than we recognize. It’s almost entirely subconscious. That’s why it’s so insidious. We don’t know that we are pushing abundance away at almost the same speed we are receiving it. Broadcast something different.
We look at abundance with a skeptical eye. Not only that, we don’t see the abundance all around us. What we don’t notice, generally doesn’t notice us. Pay more attention and it will pay off. Notice the world through a lens of bounty. Notice the wealth of nature. Look at it like that. Notice how nearly everything is provided for in some way. Attend to how beautiful it is.
Look at others’ successes with a congratulatory eye, not envious or jealous, but glad for them. That’s the secret. In Islam, the word ‘mashallah’ means essentially that something happened according to God’s will. It is said with admiration regarding someone else’s good news. “Mashallah! I’m so happy for you!” It’s a recognition of thankfulness because God has provided someone abundance. But there’s a distinction with the use of the word as well. It deliberately supplants envy with congratulations. It gets us out of the way of our usual greedy and suspicious selves.
Mashallah changes the channel on how we view the abundance of others. It attracts it toward us. It recognizes the spiritual source of abundance, gives thanks for its existence, and clears the road for abundance to eventually be ours as well.
When we envy others’ wealth, we cut ourselves off from it. We are framing our experience of money around a distasteful feeling. We resent the success of others and so the idea of our own success becomes entangled with feelings of resentment. Notice how you feel about wealthy people. What is your first thought when you look at someone who has more than you? Do you say, “Why not me?” or do you say, “How wonderful for them!” The second one changes you from the inside.
Pay attention to your abundance. Be thankful for it. Pick up pennies on the street and say, “Thank you for abundance!” When you give money or a gift to someone think of it as a blessing of abundance you are giving to them. Picture a greater abundance entering the energy streams of our civilization with every act of generosity.
A horse is a beautiful thing. Magnificent, strong, useful. It is abundance personified, coupled with majesty. Champing at the bit with a desire to serve. Be welcoming of it. Be glad of its spirit even if the flesh is becoming tired and its teeth are long. For it is the horse's spirit—its literal intention—where true blessing is manifest.


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