Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, August 11, 2018 - We Are All One Tribe

The Tribe Mentorship Project of Fitchburg
Did you know that everyone’s skin is actually brown? Just different shades of it. Different hues and tones. We all have a pigment called melanin in our skin which creates the various depths of color. All of them, basically brown.
With every passing generation, as we continue to emigrate from the lands of our ancestors, the planet genetically and culturally shrinks. Our complexions and features and traditions are blending even more quickly today than just a generation or two ago. Some are deeply afraid of this. Pray for them.
Have you ever noticed that bi-racial children tend to receive the most attractive characteristics of each? I think there’s something beautiful and sacred to observe here. Something perhaps unexpected. Surprising. Unless, of course, you recognize that aesthetic beauty is partly what propels virtually any species. To me it’s a genetic validation of our spiritual desire to be with one another despite social and cultural differences. It’s our genes saying, Yes! Seek out one another! Learn from one another! You will be stronger at every level, every dimension.
In the greater racial conversation we have a tendency to be either afraid of other races or afraid of those who are. But there is something we should remember. Civilization is unifying now, with or without their permission. No matter what the fearful do to try and stop it, the blending of humanity is fully underway. The global alliance of all nations is advancing genetically and socially, if not yet politically. And with them, another step toward world peace. We must remain vigilant, of course. There is still generations of work to be done. But the direction of the wind has changed. It is now at our backs.
Perhaps the inevitability of world peace sounds over-fanciful to you. But look closely. As the people of different nations continue to meet and make families with one another, what happens to the notion of race? How much longer will it be before we are so “intertwingled” (as a friend of mine charmingly puts it) that there is no “them” anymore?
My great-grandparents were only one nationality. I am four.
Yet one might look around the world right now and see nothing but widespread human division. Fighting everywhere. Wars, genocides, tribalism. But about what are the conversations? Tyranny. More now than ever, tyranny. And that is a very good sign. Because the desire to rid ourselves of tyranny is a conflict which only arises when people begin to realize their human worth. That is the battle of an educated people, an awakened people. One who know the truth of their own light.
We already basically know we are one, unified family, we just don’t act like it yet. We are so afraid of the implications of globalism because we have been propagandized to feel that way. We have been manipulated to fear it because peace doesn’t make a quick buck for the already-rich like war does. The wealth gap is artificial, however, and destined to fail.
The profit in peaceful times will be more equanimitable. More people will be able to participate in the system of merit-based profitability because we will be free to trade with the full tribe. It’s impossible to fix prices and control the marketplace when everyone is in it. And today’s ultra-wealthy 1% doesn’t like that business model one bit. They’re spending huge sums of money trying to convince you to put the toothpaste back in the tube. But it’s already too late.
Because the truth has always been that we are all one tribe. One great and bickering gaggle with a complicated relationship status. One family, one house and nowhere else to go. Trapped on this little sphere together with nothing but peace as a viable solution to co-existence. Give it time.
Are we there yet? Of course not. Is it inevitable that world peace will come? Yes. Because underneath it all we have this same little light which nudges us in the right direction, one loving hint at a time. It is faithful and constant. We see the effects of it everywhere. It is what informs the long arc of the moral universe as it steadily bends toward justice. Fear not. Our great tribe shall flourish.


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