Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, October 20, 2018 - Don’t Engage the Beast
While I am decidedly not a fan of horror films, I do have a few exceptions. Wes Craven’s 1984 film A Nightmare on Elm Street is one of them. Added to that are a few ghost stories here and there when they have particularly good story lines. But most prominently on the list sits William Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist. I remember one line from the film in particular. “Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon.” The experienced exorcist, Father Merrin, played by Max von Sydow, warns the film’s protagonist not to engage the beast. No good will ever come of it. The devil lies and will ensnare you with it.
It wasn’t a personal belief in the existence of a devil which made me notice this line in particular, for I do not. Instinctively I felt that there was more to this thought than just a caution for religious exorcists. It’s particularly good advice in the broader sense..
To my way of thinking, a demon is something which seeks only to preserve its existence. It has no moral compass nor ethical standard. It does not concern itself with outcomes for it only thinks ahead when it happens to serve the author’s story development. Believing itself to be an island, it does not collaborate, it does not associate. It feels utterly alone in its experience and is ignorant of the ramifications of its actions because rage eclipses all rational thought.
While I have never exorcised a demon, nor have I informally chatted with one, I have dealt with people who periodically exhibit some of these characteristics. They are not demons, per se, but their occasional rage provokes much of the same outcomes. Often it is trauma of one kind or another which makes a person sometimes behave in ways that I find reminiscent of the mythological descriptions I’ve read of underworld characters. And we have all heard it said that a person “has demons” when it is known they are deeply emotionally troubled. Demons don’t have to be literal to be devastating.
And so here we shall talk for a moment about pride. Because pride is what makes us engage the beast in the first place. Pride—at least the form inspired by ego—prevents us from stepping away from conflict. It cannot withstand the torrent of rage aimed at them by those who suffer their demons to continue unchecked. And thus, we are lured into the fight.
Hand in hand with ego is our so-called “honor.” Both are linked to pride in ways that often make us behave like a beast ourselves. When someone disrespects us, or more dramatically, defiles our honor, we react. Our pride goeth before that fall constantly. We usually can’t help ourselves. When attacked, we retaliate. We engage the beast because we can’t stop ourselves.
To be fair, not all pride is bad. To be proud of who you are, or of an accomplishment you achieve is not only perfectly natural, but good. It is the type of pride that prevents relationship which resembles a sin most. It’s the pride which insists our honor be restored when insulted, or avenged when wounded that gets us into trouble every time.
The scriptural advice here is to look past the demon and attempt to love our enemies. Besides it’s more fun anyway. Ever try to hug a demon? It drives them bananas.
When we are being attacked, especially by something which feels disproportionate or unreasonable, the hardest thing to do is remember our dignity. Because we then must naturally remember the inherent dignity and worth of the demon in front of us. Or rather, of the very much human being who sits caged behind the mask of trauma which has made them behave this way in the first place.
That is not to suggest we allow ourselves to be abused or trampled. Sometimes we have to love and forgive from afar. Our safety, both physical as well as emotional, is paramount. But there is grace in stepping away from drama. Conversing with the demon only enables it and makes it stronger. There is dignity in turning the other cheek, not for more punishment, but toward something better.
Engaging the beast means we are sinking to the same level of unbridled hostility as our foe. We are trying to reason with someone who is, at least temporarily, outside the sphere of calm, rational thought. They need a time out. And so do you. What would Jesus do? That.
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