Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, January 26, 2019 - Listening Honestly

A teenager once told me he was inheriting his uncle’s yacht. Knowing the kid, I sadly didn’t believe him. But it didn’t matter. He had a record of somewhat alternative truths, each relatively harmless. I told him I thought he’d look real cool at the helm steering it into port. It served no purpose to call him out on it right there. Better to pick a moment like that carefully. There was more going on there than a fib. As he walked away, a thought suddenly occurred to me. He was telling me his truth, just not with his facts. He was telling me he wanted to be seen as special. He wanted me to believe that he was loved. I assume because he thought himself neither special nor loved at all. A lot of raw honesty came from his little tale. I have never forgotten it. How much of the truth we hear is factual? Probably not very much. But there is a truth locked in its cage of words. It comes from the person te...