Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, January 5, 2019 - Look Forward
What is expected of us? Who or what expects it? Let’s state a few things plainly, first. Humanity is actually progressing, not regressing. Try to get used to that idea. The view we have through the media is similar to the way that astrologers describe a planet as being in “retrograde.” It’s not really moving backward, it just looks that way. But in either regard, the purpose of my bringing it up is to ask: What does your inner voice tell you about it? Because that’s the who/what which expects something of us. Essentially, whether you believe in such things or not, that inner voice is who you’re praying to, communicating with and even hoping to gain the approval of. It’s just human nature.
You do not have to believe in God to have an inner voice, for the record. It’s not limited to that. Most of us have many voices rattling around inside our heads vying for attention. Voices from our past reminding us of bits of wisdom mingled with nonsense. They come from all different directions. Make no mistake, these voices have expectations, too. Some will lie to stay alive, like the voice of addiction. Some will soothe us, like the memory of a friend’s advice. Each voice has an agenda of its own. Even God’s.
The voices inside you all want something from you. They want to thrive. They each want to continue to exist in the forefront of your mind for their own reasons. They want to grow and become entrenched in your actions and behaviors. Some are good ideas, some are not. But all want you to believe that they are the likeliest pathway toward you feeling better. Traditions that teach us to orient ourselves properly and lovingly can give us a frame of reference for sorting through them. Each offer tools for evaluating between fearful voices and loving ones. Take note of that process.
Many cultures orient themselves in a particular direction when participating in a sacred act such as going to church or temple. For Muslims, no matter where they are in the world, when they pray they physically orient themselves in a direction toward the city of Mecca, the birthplace of Muhammad. While in meditation, people of various world traditions often orient their mind’s eye to different locations both literal as well as energetic. Christian congregations always face the eucharist. We look toward, we attend to, we face a direction, on purpose, for a reason. Every tradition includes some form of choice to point toward something as an act of their intent. Notice things like this when they appear in multiple traditions. They give clues to us as humans.
Let’s give some recognition, then, when multiple cultures, religions and philosophies each make a great point of pointing. Toward what do you point? Toward what does your attention flow? Whatever psychic act it is which forms the basis of what we call “prayer,” our attention is the action of it. We all need something upon which to place our focus.
I have a suggestion for you. Face forward. Take all that we are advised about the mysterious value in picking a direction and pick one. Choose forward. Attend to and dream about the future while recognizing—and honoring—where you stand right now. Face the direction you wish to go. Don’t worry about whether or not you’re really moving in that direction, just keep facing that way. Looks can be deceiving. Just ask the planet Mercury. Have faith that forward movement is always occurring.
This is almost entirely an inner exercise, let’s be honest. But that’s where all things originate. Accept the fact that how you think determines how life unfolds for you. It doesn’t mean things will always go the way you want or that they will be easy, just easier than they might have been otherwise. And it doesn’t mean you’ve done something wrong, or thought the wrong things just because life periodically sucks. Assigning blame only takes our attention away from facing forward. Don’t bother. Just face forward. Keep your eye on the prize. Choose only the voices emanating from that direction to perk your ear. Let the rest become white noise.
It’s all just speculation in the end. But facing forward, living under an assumption that there is no such thing as wasted time because literally every experience has the potential to teach us, is the better basis for all of life’s actions. Whether you believe in the assistance of a Higher Power in the universe or not, the advice is the same. Face forward. Look to the peak in the distance and decide to go there. Even if the valley is filled with clouds. It will all be okay.
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