Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, May 25, 2019 - The Way Forward

We have a lot of thoughts about the word “way.” In religious terms, it refers to a deliberately chosen life path, or religion. In spiritual discussions, it can mean the way of your soul’s (and theoretically, God’s) deepest intent for you. We use the former to help keep us on the latter. Thank you for my way. Thank you for the way before me and the way I have come. Thank you for signs. I am grateful for taking the time to read them. This is how I frame my prayers when I don’t know exactly what it is I’m praying for, other than to simply feel better. This is how I ask God to show me what I’m supposed to be seeing. All of us have and will experience hardship in our lives. What is your emotional fitness in preparation for them? Our emotional fitness determines our ability to cope with grief and sorrow when it inevitably comes. How we feel about things now will determine the way we choose to heal ourselves later, or if we choose to find healing at all. Feeling better helps us fi...