Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, March 19, 2022 - The Spring Within Us

Spring is the great overcoming. The acknowledgement of truth both within us and within the world. It is the awakening of things once dormant or seemingly lost. There are parts of ourselves which have been folded away, like sacred origami, preserved, ready for the day when enough light and warmth has reached into the tightened bud to call it out into being. 

This arrangement of leaves within a bud is called its ‘vernation’ from the latin vernal for spring. Vernal equinox. Veritas aequi. The unfolding truth of balance and equality. The reality of its own future, neatly folded inside. The flower, the leaf, the tree, even we humans, all begin this way. We feel as if we are unformed when truly we are simply yet unfolded.

I saw a documentary on origami recently and its technical applications. Things like going out into space, collapsible robots, and a fair amount on the art of contemporary origami itself. One point that was made is that the structure of the leaf already exists in the bud, but it’s folded so tightly, so precisely by nature that it gives the impression it’s not even there. But it was all there. Waiting for the Spring. The architecture of our success is already there. Does the leaf know the light will come? Does it worry until it does?

How much of that can be said about history? About the history we are living in right now? How we feel about the earth shifting beneath our feet composes the folds of our future selves. Don’t forget this feeling, as uncomfortable as it is. It is our sacred right to be here now. Our world is not failing. It is suffering the pains of growth. The times demand new thinking and new approaches. 

Sometimes we feel so powerless. But it is an illusion. We feel that we must take action, but we don’t know how, or we are afraid, or we fear that our actions are pointless. Be at peace. Let it be that we remember from time to time to just take a deep breath and push light into the corners. We don’t have to know what to do next. Let that action be enough. Don’t worry about what will happen next. If you just concern yourself with pushing light into the darkness, light will always know what to do next.

Close your eyes if you will, and imagine for a moment light as a type of substance which you can affect. Make it physical. A blob or a beam or a dot. Put it in front of you. Poke it. Affect it. Make it spin. Make it change colors. Make it move. Get brighter or softer. Imagine pushing it with your mind right into something you wish to bless. A problem, a person, a building, a group. Watch the light disappear into it and see what change takes place.

As we enter a new and beautiful season, let’s take advantage of the good feelings it creates in us and expand upon them. If you wish to program your brain to be attuned to abundance, for instance, pay more attention to the abundance unfolding all around you. The synapses which recognize patterns of abundance in our brains begin to form. When we pay attention to abundance as a concept we tend to attract it because in the process we also become more open to opportunities. If you believe that there is also an energetic layer which influences our ability to manifest, be it God or the Universe, this is how you connect with It. By thoughts and physical objects to assist our brains into reforming on the cellular level. Preparing ourselves for transformation in ways we cannot predict. Theist or atheist, it’s all the same. Thinking changes reality.

The spring is more than a moment when life renews itself. It is the physical object of our prayer for new realities. The spring is an opportunity to renew more than just the earth. It is our talisman for transfigurative change within us. An awakening of the deepest order.

We breathe the new air and we feel better after a dark winter with too little light. But what if we were more mindfully inhaling? What if, when we feel our most powerless, we choose to see the new air as more than simply oxygen and nitrogen with a bit of water vapor and a dash of pollution to remind us of our responsibilities to the earth. What if the air we breathe acts as a restorative symbol of a wider renewal? What if our very breath began to represent the renewal of the world and acts as a prayer unto itself? We have power we don’t use. We despair, but then our breath is in vain.

Dig deeply into the earth with your mind. Draw upon her for your own renewal, your own courage. There is no atom in your body which did not come to you from the earth. And before that, it came from the stars.


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