Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, December 1, 2018 - Be the Surfboard - 100th column

Think for a moment about the nature of a surfboard. It is designed to be simple. It is engineered to be thrilling. It is meant to demonstrate a mastery of forces which we cannot understand. Is meant to be a letting-go.
Disclaimer. I say this all without ever once having even attempted to ride a surfboard. But sometimes better theologians come from those who describe the faiths of others from an objective distance. In the end it is only the theology of the surfboard I am describing here. Perhaps one day I shall be brave enough to step aboard the actual and learn even more.
My lack of first hand expertise notwithstanding (since, chances are, you lack the same), let’s picture the surfboard again. How does it differ from driftwood? Of course it does differ greatly, but as an exercise let’s list how.
Driftwood is formed by the tides. It is made by the process of violence. It is a piece broken from the whole and cast into the sea. Abandoned to wander aimlessly at the whim of the tide until it is ultimately consumed by other forces. Forces such as the battering of its body against the rocks and sand of the shore by the waves. It can only watch and wait to learn of its fate in real time. Far more unlikely than winning a billion dollar lottery is the possibility it might one day be picked up and made into something beautiful by human hands. It is even too much to hope for.
But like the more naturally-occurring beauty of driftwood, the surfboard is also beautiful. Sleek and dynamic. Designed to take its best advantage of the unpredictability of the wave. The surfboard is engineered nonresistance.
Life comes at us in waves. Sometimes a gentle lapping and other times a tsunami. We are expected to rise above it all. We are definitely up to the task. We just forget that we are capable of it.
The advice here is to be the surfboard, not the driftwood. And as all surfboards must be crafted on purpose with intention and care, they were once by definition, raw materials. Just like a piece of driftwood.
Nearly all faiths describe a moment of awakening which occurs after a period of deliberate growth and inner exploration. A rebirth. Some of these moments are allowed to be experienced only by the elite. Some are accessible to the many. Some faiths declare we have but to utter only a few words and we are remade. I would contend they are all correct.
Most of us are driftwood. We have not yet consciously made the choice to be something else. For whatever reason, we have not been made aware of the fact that the choice is actually ours. And if you didn’t know that already, know it now. We each of us has the power to remake ourselves from driftwood into surfboard through our intent.
The lesson is difficult. Don’t be fooled by how easy it is to say it. The process requires a deliberate throwing of ourselves against just the right rocks in just the right way. To smooth our gnarled edges into a streamlined silhouette capable of transporting us with not only ease, but excitement.
But also don’t for one minute fall for the lie that you are not capable of accomplishing it. Especially if the lie is coming from your own mouth. You know not what you speak. Any word of self-doubt is a lie. Scrape it off like a barnacle and move forward.
We all have parts of ourselves and our life experiences which could easily be defined as “waves.” Chronic conditions like ADHD or diabetes, learning or physical disabilities, ex-spouses, trauma, bullying, assault, abuse, et cetera. These are the experiences which “happen“ to us. Sometimes we are victimized by them, sometimes we are emboldened by them. No matter the depth of their ability to effect, they affect us nonetheless. What can you make from them to propel you forward rather than hold you back?
This is not a claim to propose that our lives are made easier by our challenges. But they can be made better by them. It is our intent and attitude which remakes driftwood into surfboard.
For a moment, imagine yourself high upon a wave, feet planted firmly on a thin piece of board. See the beach spread out before you as you fly toward it. Marinate in the sense of freedom and speed. Let it wash over you and memorize it. This is your most natural state. Claim it.


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