Hopeful Thinking - Saturday, October 19, 2019 - Don’t Not Look Up

Never look down. Don’t look at it. It only grows with your attention. That is your prayer. Look up.

I’m surprised at the amount of times I have to remind myself of that. Keep looking up. All is not as it appears to be. There is greater love at work than we can imagine. Let It do Its job.

We take too much at face value when we’d be far more comforted to take a step back and look at the wider picture of how humanity is working to unify itself against all odds. The reason things are so scary right now is because humanity is actually winning. Try to find a space in your heart where you can believe that to be true.

When we’re too close to drama we perpetuate it by our presence. Simply by witnessing it we are empowering it. Even in the most practical terms, our neighbor pays attention to what we notice. If you’re standing next to someone and they suddenly turn their head, what do you do? You instinctively turn your head just after them. It’s natural pack mentality. Biological. We can’t help ourselves. It’s deeply programmed. But it can be used for good as well. Be a friend to your neighbor and turn your head toward love. They will instinctively turn to look as well.

What does it feel like inside an engine when it shifts gears? It sounds to me, even in the microsecond in which it occurs, like a violent affair. We are in that microsecond of human history right now. Hold tight. We will be in gear before long.

If you wish to be of greatest service to yourself, your community, and the world, do less, not more. It’s easier on your heart to look up. It’s easier on the decisions you make. It’s easier on your friendships and your relationships with challenging family members. Take a deep breath and let it go. It’s going to be OK because it already is.

How often have you worked and worked your brain to solve a problem whose solution was already in progress? It happens more often than you notice. Pay attention to those moments. They are an indicator of something powerful, or at least coincidental, working in your favor. We too easily brush off serendipity as coincidence when it very well could be something more. Many of us think that way when the stakes are low, but when pressed, don’t truly believe it. What harm would it be to believe that greater forces are at work, constantly nudging us toward growth? What if it’s not God‘s job to prevent suffering, but gently guide us through it?

I learned somewhere that a negative thought registers a much smaller electromagnetic signal in the brain than a positive one. I can’t confirm this to be true without more research, but I like the idea. And I believe it as well. Plus it makes things easier.

To me, a negative thought is like a dark room. It doesn’t matter how big the room is, it could be the entire universe. Yet a single candle can’t be outdone by it. Darkness is not a thing of its own and has no power whatsoever. The same is true, in my opinion, for a negative thought. One small light can banish it utterly.

Sometimes more lights are needed to really see into the deep corners, but the darkness remains powerless to resist its encroachment. Light on. It wants you to believe you can be stopped. It’s lying.

Sometimes the wind will blow, for that is the only tool darkness has. It fools you into believing that there is more to come, more behind it, more substance, just wait for it, but it never comes. It’s just more wind. Cup your hand around the flame and stand together in vigil. Dare the wind to blow. Breathe love into the air. Eventually the darkness will gasp and your light will be taken in by it. Infect the system from within.

These are not the answers to problems, they are the methodology for inventing them. Use these ideas as the tools for human advancement. They are the secret to greater understanding of how we unwittingly compose the very tests we so often fail. Even when we knew the correct answers all along.

Just keep looking up and all shall be well. There is a reason for the times we are in, and it’s a good one. There are undiscovered blessings to be recognized. It’s best to remain calm and loving.

Some dangers are ones we must face nonetheless. There are crimes which cannot be ignored. We must be courageous, but shrewd. Firm, but loving. Standing up to power is not the same thing as feeding it. But when deciding upon how to engage it, resolve to leap upon then with open, loving arms. Your enemies will scratch their heads in disbelief, and in that brief moment, truly see you.

Thanks be to the undiscovered solution in all things. May we do our best to stay out of its way, looking up all the while, sending gushes of warm, loving air behind it. Amen.


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