My Student Biographical Statement
Wil Darcangelo is a professional vocalist and music mentor from
Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Drawn to theological writings and study his
entire life, he is embarking on the journey to become an ordained
Congregationalist minister through his home church, Rollstone
Congregational in Fitchburg. Wil is also a substitute teacher at his
alma mater, Fitchburg High School, where he directs an extensive after
school music empowerment program called the Tribe Music Mentorship
Project. The Tribe is a project of his social enterprise company, The
Good-Wil Initiative, which has produced cultural events, fundraisers,
and social projects in the area since 2008. After attending the
American Academy of Dramatic Art in New York City in the early 90s, Wil
spent ten years traveling the world as a professional actor, producer,
choreographer, and director. Wil is also a finish carpenter, stained
glass artist, professional stitcher/upholsterer, life coach, art framer,
and community advocate.
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